Ontario Natural Building Conference & AGM April 12 and 13, 2025
We invite you to join us for two days of Natural Building presentations and learning on April 12 and 13, 2025, at our annual Natural Building Conference. Like previous years, there will be a variety of workshops, round table discussions, and presentations on a topics of interest to builders and potential owner-builders.
This conference is a great opportunity to connect with others in the natural building community who we don't often get the chance to meet up with. Tasty libations and a music jam on Saturday evening will give everyone time to mix and mingle both personally and professionally!
The Ontario Natural Building Coalition's Annual General Meeting of members will take place at 1:30pm on Saturday April 12th, followed by further educational and social events.
Accommodation is available from Friday night (Friday night check-ins from 5 - 9pm) through to Sunday, and super delicious and healthy meals are included. (Note: No dinner on Friday night.) (Most food allergies can be accommodated)
Accommodation is rustic "Indoor Camping Style" in cabins of 6 or more people. Bedding and towels are not provided. Washroom and shower facilities are available, in a central washroom building. You must bring your own sleeping bag, pillow and/or bedding, towels etc.
Schedule - Saturday
8:00 - 9:00 am Registration (please arrive early, so you can check-in, find your cabin etc., and not miss any of the conference! 9:30 am Welcome and Housekeeping - Tim Krahn, ONBC Professional Member 9:45 am - 11:00 - Presentation - Rotary Hall 11:00-11:15 am - Coffee break 11:15-12:15 am - 12:30-1:30 pm - Dining Hall - Lunch - Raffle tickets on sale 1:30 - 2:30 pm - presentation - Rotary Hall 2:30-2:45 pm - Coffee Break - buy your raffle tickets! 2:45-4:00 pm - presentation - Rotary Hall 4:15 - ONBC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - ROTARY HALL Raffle tickets on sale 4:00 -11:00 pm BaleHeart Bar opens with wines, cider and craft beers. 6:00 pm Dinner - Raffle tickets on sale. 7:30 pm Slide Show of Recent Natural Buildings "5x5" Slide Show- photos and stories from over a dozen contributors (send your five photos to ckeetch@webhart.net before April 3) 8:30 pm Socializing and musical mayhem. Bring your instrument and join the Jam Session! 11:00 pm Last call at the bar.
8:00 - 9:00 am Registration (please arrive early, so you can check-in, find your cabin etc., and not miss any of the conference!
9:30 am Welcome and Housekeeping - Tim Krahn, ONBC Professional Member
9:45 am - 11:00 - Presentation - Rotary Hall 11:00-11:15 am - Coffee break 11:15-12:15 am - 12:30-1:30 pm - Dining Hall - Lunch - Raffle tickets on sale
11:00-11:15 am - Coffee break
11:15-12:15 am -
12:30-1:30 pm - Dining Hall - Lunch - Raffle tickets on sale
1:30 - 2:30 pm - presentation - Rotary Hall 2:30-2:45 pm - Coffee Break - buy your raffle tickets! 2:45-4:00 pm - presentation - Rotary Hall 4:15 - ONBC ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - ROTARY HALL Raffle tickets on sale
4:00 -11:00 pm BaleHeart Bar opens with wines, cider and craft beers. 6:00 pm Dinner - Raffle tickets on sale.
4:00 -11:00 pm BaleHeart Bar opens with wines, cider and craft beers.
6:00 pm Dinner - Raffle tickets on sale.
7:30 pm Slide Show of Recent Natural Buildings "5x5" Slide Show- photos and stories from over a dozen contributors (send your five photos to ckeetch@webhart.net before April 3) 8:30 pm Socializing and musical mayhem. Bring your instrument and join the Jam Session! 11:00 pm Last call at the bar.
7:30 pm Slide Show of Recent Natural Buildings
"5x5" Slide Show- photos and stories from over a dozen contributors (send your five photos to ckeetch@webhart.net before April 3)
8:30 pm Socializing and musical mayhem. Bring your instrument and join the Jam Session!
11:00 pm Last call at the bar.
8:00 - 9:00am - Breakfast 9:15 - 10:45 am -melanie scott, evolve builders group inc. - freeing the creative spirit through design 10:45- 11:00 am - Coffee Break
10:45- 11:00 am - Coffee Break
11:00 AM -12:15 PM -
2:15-3:00 pm - Fun-Raising Raffle Draw - ONBC Board Members
3:00 pm - Closing Remarks and Safe Travels
PLEASE NOTE: Registering early helps the kitchen staff plan our delicious meals!
Members will receive member pricing by logging in with your email address and password using the two boxes at the top of every page of this website.
Non-members can obtain member pricing, by becoming a new member before registering.
Members 5x5 Slide Show:
If you have a current straw bale or natural building you would like to show in our slide show, please send 5 photos to Kristi Corlett by April 4.
Please contact us if you would like to become a sponsor of this year's conference.
We’ll keep you up to date and in the know on upcoming ONBC natural building events & news.