Location- 10 minutes north of Peterborough.
All hands-on learning will be taught on a straw bale wall system.
Clay and lime plasters are beautiful, non-toxic, good for the planet and lots of fun to mix and apply!
Our Natural Plaster Workshop takes you from base coat to Finish coat.
Day 1- Base coat and plaster science basics.
Base coat plaster is a thick, straw-rich layer that can be applied by hand or by trowel. On day one you will gain experience applying a clay-lime plaster base coat and learn how to apply by trowel or by hand. You will learn how to build up a thick base coat to achieve the form and texture you want. Learn to avoid cracking, delamination, slumping and dusting so your base coat will be long-lasting, durable and a great substrate for a good looking finish.
Day 2- Finish coat
Finish coat plasters are thin, can be pigmented with rich colours and textured in countless ways. On day 2 you will learn how to apply a simple lime plaster finishcoat.
In the Natural Plaster Workshop we will cover site clay, processed clay, hydrated and hydraulic lime and clay-lime blends. Discover how to source ingredients, make test samples and choose the right type of plaster for every need.
The hands-on format offers you lots of opportunity to practice and gain valuable application skills.
We’ll keep you up to date and in the know on upcoming ONBC natural building events & news.